Category Archives: Public Service

Prepare for Evacuation !!

Why Prepare for Evacuation?

With over a hundred fires currently burning in the West and over 5 million Acres consumed by fire according to the New York Times, there is reason to be taking action for your home and business. With millions of Acres being described by the CNN report and small cities such as Paradise California earlier this year and Detroit Oregon Destroyed   just this week destroyed completely by fire. It is important for every family to have a plan. Currently over 500,000 are under evacuation orders near Portland alone. Everyone is connected to someone or somewhere that the fires have affected. The quality of the air has made it very difficult and dangerous for people all across the West. With all this to worry about, the possibility for evacuation could touch any of us. 

So what would you do if you had to evacuate. If you have time to think about it you might come up with a good list of what you would need. If you had time to pack some things and leave it would help,  but 

What if you only had 1 hour, or what if you only had 10 minutes? 

Well that would definitely change things. So – What is Important?

CDC - Paso.bizThe CDC has got their list of things that you should collect to be ready in order to evacuate. 

Center For Disease Control – Emergency Preparedness


Cal Fire - Heroes -

CalFire has a Preparedness List at:



Likewise Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), the power supplier for most of California, has a Safety Action Center that has some very useful information.
Pacific Gas and Electric Safety Action Center

Additionally some counties have got their own lists here’s one from Madera County. 

Firewise from Madera County is an extensive resource.

Here is a list from Washoe County Nevada for Those near Lake Tahoe
Nevada – Washoe County Preparedness List

Prepare for Evacuation

Now with all these lists it’s important that you consider where you live are you very rural are you in a suburb or are you in an apartment. The way you think of things and the preparation you make could vary for each of these. If you have animals they must be considered. anyway you look at it there’s preparation that needs to be done even if you end up untouched in the long run.  Please consider what steps you can take to be as safe as possible.  At our home, my sister-in-law, who lives in our house, suggested that we have an evacuation drill, to see how fast we could react. To see what could we do if we had to leave in 10 minutes. We really need the grill and learned many things that only came to us after our review of our performance. Having done the drill, it is very enlightening/ you can see what it might take or how you might be affected if you had to evacuate. Take care of everyone, be safe, examine and study the lists, Talk about what you and your family needs and be ready.

These days who knows what the future brings.

Remember September is National Preparedness Month!National Preparedness Month - September - Paso.biz

Hand Sanitizer Recall

RECALL ALERT: Hand Sanitizers with Methanol causes Blindness and Death.

The FDA recently updated their list of hand sanitizers that contain harmful chemicals.  Please… please… please read the list and remove any of the products from use.  This hand sanitizer recall is important and we need to get the word out! Complete list of recalled items can be found at

[7-2-2020] FDA is warning consumers and health care providers that the agency has seen a sharp increase in hand sanitizer products that are labeled to contain ethanol (also known as ethyl alcohol) but that have tested positive for methanol contamination. Methanol, or wood alcohol, is a substance that can be toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested and can be life-threatening when ingested.

The agency is aware of adults and children ingesting hand sanitizer products contaminated with methanol that has led to recent adverse events including blindness, hospitalizations and death.

Methanol is not an acceptable ingredient for hand sanitizers and must not be used due to its toxic effects. FDA’s investigation of methanol in certain hand sanitizers is ongoing. The agency will provide additional information as it becomes available…”

Read more here.

When and how to use hand sanitizer:

Sample of bulk hand sanitizer for your business that is FDA and CDC approved.

Best Sanitizing Method is to Wash Your Hands!

World’s Greatest Opera Streamed Free!

Opera is Streaming from The New York Metropolitan  Opera with an opera a day this week. For the opera lovers this is a boon. Seeing an opera a day from now thru 12 July could be an overdose of culture. Be sure to connect for an incredible experience.

The New York Metropolitan Opera is a world class operation and one of finest opera companies in the world. This is a rare opportunity don’t miss it! Click the link below for full information about how to stream to your devices. Click the Link for Details.

Public Service Announcement by

Paso Robles Fire Department

Thank you Paso Robles Fire Department for your incredible and ever so timely work to save so many homes in the Capitol Hill Fire in June 2020. Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!!

The Paso Robles Department of Emergency Services has a wonderful, informative, and extensive website. Be sure to read and understand what is available, and what to do before you need it! 

Read Charley C.‘s review of Fire Department on Yelp